Upcoming Events:

Stay tuned…

Ongoing opportunity

The Multivocational Toolkit - an online asynchronous learning opportunity offered by the New Leaf Network

This 6-session online learning opportunity will be engaging with the research findings of the Canadian Multivocational Ministry Project in practical ways. The goal will be to equip people to thrive in their context and calling to minister multivocationally. 

Who is this course for?

This online workshop is designed for those who are currently in multivocational ministry, to reflect on ways they can thrive in their current context. In addition, students expecting to be working in a multivocational reality are welcome to reflect on how they balance their studies with the ministry they find themselves in already. Catalysts and support staff for Multivocational ministers are also invited to engage to attune themselves to the realities facing those they mentor and support.

Registration and information

Past Events:

Overlooked Tentmakers

November 26, 2022, 4:30 pm (Eastern)
Tyndale University

Join us for a conversational evening exploring multi-vocational ministry in Canada and celebrate these new books!

Onsite and Online Event

Sacred Side Hustle: Exploring Spacious Vocations

November 13 & 14, 2022

Do you need space? Maybe you are managing multiple roles and you need space to decompress? Are you considering experimenting with new ministry methods and need space to process? Perhaps you support multivocational leaders and want to learn more about the various spaces that help people thrive in their unique callings? Would you like a space to connect with others serving in a multivocational capacity?

Sacred Side Hustle returns for its second annual event. This event is unique in that it focuses on those who are managing multiple paid and/or unpaid commitments as part of their unique vocation. This year’s conference is designed to give multivocational leaders a space that fosters creativity, balance, and connection to God’s calling on our lives.

Fully Virtual Conference

More information: SacredSideHustle.ca

December 9-11, 2021

The Sacred Side Hustle: Embracing Your Multivocational Calling - an online conference offered by the New Leaf Network and Briercrest Leadership Centre

If you are a multivocational minister or support multivocational ministers, we invite you to join us as we gather for a virtual conference to encourage the unique calling of multivocational ministers.

Researchers from the Canadian Multivocational Ministry Project, denominational leaders, theological educations, and multivocational practitioners themselves will be sharing insights and inviting you to share your experience.

Registration and information

May 26-28, 2021

The JaffrayAng Symposium: Beyond Multiculturalism: Intentional Intercultural Congregations in a Globalizing and Hybridizing World.
Location: Calgary, AB and online
More Information

April 16, 2021

The Evangelical Missiological Society – Canada virtual conference is including a Canadian Multivocational Ministry Project stream.

Dr. James Watson and Dr. Mark Chapman are each presenting papers: “What Can We Learn” and “Training Implications.”

November 13, 2020, 2:00 pm (Eastern) - virtual event

Training Multivocational Leaders: Webinar for Bible College, Seminary, and Parachurch Educators

This webinar provides a forum for educators to encounter some of the findings and discuss proposals for ministry training. The webinar will be facilitated by two of the researchers who will present a paper for discussion of training options - Dr. Mark Chapman (Director of the DMin Program at Tyndale University) and Dr. James Watson (Consultant for The Salvation Army).

For information shared at this event visit: ureachtoronto.ca/canadian-multivocational-ministry-project

October 29, 2020, 1:30 pm (Eastern) - online interactive webinar at the New Leaf Learning Centre

Falling Forward: Negotiating New Realities at the New Leaf Learning Centre.

See recording below

July 2, 2020 - online interactive webinar at the New Leaf Learning Centre

Rethinking Calling: Canadian Multivocational Ministry Project at the New Leaf Learning Centre. Featuring Beth Anne Fisher with the Wellness Project @ Wycliffe

See recording below

March 6, 2020
Evangelical Missiological Society - Canada 2020 Regional Meeting, “The Past and Future of Evangelical Missions.” Tyndale University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

1) “Satisfaction and Stress in Multivocational Ministry,” Beth Anne Fisher (and Dr. Wanda Malcolm). 

2) “Rest, Renewal, Sabbath, and the Demands of Multi-vocational Ministry,” Dr. Mark Chapman

3) “Multivocational Ministry: Interviews,” Dr. James Watson

4) Panel conversation regarding Multivocational Ministry: Jesse Sudirgo, Dr. Tim Tang, and Dr. Ashoor Yousif.

October 25, 2019
Religious Research Association, October 25, 2019. St. Louis, Missouri, USA. “Bivocational Ministry: A Study of Time (Early Findings), Dr. Mark Chapman and Dr. James Watson. 


Recordings of Past Events:

July 2, 2020 - Rethinking Calling

October 29, 2020 - Negotiating New Realities